Future Events

Future Events


The Band like nothing more than to be performing in front of a live audience. It's what the hard practicing is all about!

Here is a summary of up and coming events in the Band's diary at present. Many events are open to all, and we would really love you to come along and join us. Venues are sometimes free or open air, so if you don't like the idea of stuffy formal occasions, these might just suit you down to the ground. And you won't have to pay for the privilege, either! So if you are in the area on any of the following occasions, you should have no excuse other than to come along and support your friendly local Band.

This Month's Events - October 2024

SunMonTueWed ThuFriSat
No confirmed entries for October yet

Next Month's Events - November 2024

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KCB Patron's Concert

Central Methodist Church, Pontefract

Saturday 13th July 2024 3:30pm

Tickets are available now. To book your palce, either:

  • Call Graham on 01977 600524 or
  • Email kcb40years@gmail.com

Ticket prices are as follows:

  • Waged: £5.00
  • Unwaged and Children (16 and under): FREE

St. Martin's Church

Womersley Concert


Saturday 16thNovember 2024


KCB Christmas Concert

Christmas Celebration Concert

Central Methodist Church, Pontefract

Saturday 14th December 2024  7:30pm

Year 2025 Events

Currently no confirmed dates in 2025.