Our rabbits have free run of our secure back garden and it is a delight to see how their freedom allows them to run, jump, chase and play in a way that no rabbit enclosed in a hutch can do. It does mean that our garden has few flowering plants below 18", but it is worth it to see the rabbits enjoying a wonderful life. We overcome the flower problem with hanging baskets, window boxes and (very) tall planters! Here are our current rabbits:
Our Pets
Noel, Born on Christmas Day 2015 he had already been given the festive name of Noel when we bought him to join our other rabbits on 17th May 2016. A rabbit with expressive ears and a very gentle demeanour, Noel soon fitted into the group perfectly. He has an wonderfully inquisitive nature and is often around our feet whenever we are doing anything to see what we are up to. On loosing Buzz in 2017 he became top male rabbit and matured into that position in a positive but gentle way with the other rabbits in the group.
Wilfred joined our family group in April 2017. Soon his name was shortened to Wilf. Like Noel he has a very inquisitive personality and loves to come into the house whenever a door is open. He retains a childish character about him and he makes us smile with his antics every day. He has the floppiest ears of any lop rabbit we've owned and as he runs they flap like bird wings. Wilf is a great addition to our rabbit group
Fish Tank
We also have a small collection of tropical fish in a medium sized aquarium which adds a relaxing feeling to the kitchen and orangery areas as well as a nice evening glow to those spaces. It is adorable to see all fish come to the front of the tank every morning following our every move. They get so excited as the tub of food appears and flap their tails fins just like an excited dog wagging its tail.
Sadly gone, but fondly remembered:
Winky | Spud | Dutch | Gizzmo |
Millie |
Boris |
Fudge |
Jack | Buzz | Jet | Hedwig | Harley
Back in nature
Chaz &
(Visually impaired hedgehogs) who escaped during garden landscaping work in 2013. But we know from our experience that hedgehogs make more use of smell and touch (through their whiskers) than they do of sight, so being blind is not a major problem to their success in the wild. With areas very suitable for hog survival and a good local hedgehog population we are sure they joined the local hogs and are doing well out there now.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie

Three tiny baby hedgehogs were found abandoned in a cardboard box in Doncaster in summer 2016. The lady that found them is a friend of my mother and when mum heard the story, she contacted us knowing we had cared for hedgehogs before (Chaz &Dave). We took on the challenge and despite warning we would probably loose at least one; if not all; patience and experimentation found a food they would take and we could feed through syringes. They thrived and grew and and soon went onto solid food. When we introduced one of the hedgehog houses they all immediately took to it and soon they were big and strong enough to go outside, where they continued to grow through the summer and autumn months. Despite the original odds, all three make it to hibernation and in March 2017 we had the first sightings of the awakening hogs. We fed them up to a good weight ready for release. On 23 April 2017 they were more than big enough and with mixed emotions they were set free to join the other hogs in the local area.